Education & Scholarships
We believe that strong, dedicated, and creative leadership is needed to address the world’s most pressing problems. Through a range of educational opportunities, including scholarships, we identify and invest in young people with leadership potential. We believe this is the best investment we can make towards our collective future.

Our strategies start from the belief that leadership potential needs opportunity to grow. We invest in opportunities that help young people discover, develop, and deepen their potential.
Our investments focus on youth between the ages of 15 and 35, as these are transformative years for shaping an individual’s experiences and setting them up to tackle societal challenges throughout their lives. We nurture potential across two strategies: leadership-focused scholarships and extracurricular opportunities for leadership & growth.
We seed and support scholarships focused on leadership potential rather than just academics. These scholarships start with recruitment and selection systems that reach a diverse range of applicants, including those who may not have considered applying but who demonstrate potential. Recipients access practical tools, mentors, advisors, and role models, and experiential opportunities that challenge them to reach higher. These scholarships inspire recipients to take meaningful risks, stretch their intellectual curiosity, and go beyond conventional paths to make significant contributions in every field.

Leadership and Growth
We support extracurricular opportunities for high school and undergraduate students to discover their interests and strengths, as well as opportunities for young people to take action together on issues that are bigger than themselves. We support a range of initiatives, from those that reach students at an early stage of discovering their potential through to initiatives that help students deepen existing leadership experience.