Formerly known as TNC Canada, Nature United puts investing in people to drive change at scale, advancing reconciliation with indigenous peoples, and innovating to advance natural climate solutions at the core of its work. Its philosophy is to reimagine conservation as a catalyst for broader systemic change towards a sustainable future in partnership with governments, communities, industries and non-profits. With initiatives in six provinces and the Northwest Territories, Nature United is safeguarding the Boreal Forest, helping grow sustainable business and improve food security in the Great Bear Rainforest and raising a stewardship endowment fund in support of conservation in the Emerald Edge, all while supporting Indigenous leadership and authority, primarily on the Pacific coast, in the Northwest Territories and in northern Manitoba. All of this work is informed by the best global science and supported by the leadership of the world’s largest conservation organization. The Foundation’s funding is put to use on Clayoquot and Desolation Sound.